Which InuYasha character are you?
Information and guides

What's the worst thing that could happen to you?
A. That I die
B. Losing the one I love
C. My family, friends or anyone else close to me getting hurt
D. To see someone I love suffer and not being able to help them
E. That the people close to me betrayed me
F. I don't wanna talk about this. It's depressing.
Your favorite ice cream flavour?
A. Mint
B. Strawberry
C. Coffee
D. Blueberry
E. Chocolate
F. Vanilla
When would you kill?
A. If I was in a very desperate situation
B. Never, if I could be the one to choose
C. To protect someone very important to me
D. To avenge someone very important to me
E. Never ever in my whole life.
F. In the heat of the battle
Your favorite InuYasha opening / ending?
A. One day one dream / My will or Dearest
B. I am / Every heart
C. Angelus / Shinjitsu no uta
D. Grip! / Come
E. Change the world / Itazura na KISS
F. Owarinai Yume / Fukai Mori or Brand new world
Your favorite evil InuYasha character?
A. Hakudoushi
B. Yura
C. Kagura
D. Sesshomaru
E. Kanna
F. I don't like any of them/Other
You're favorite manga/anime besides InuYasha
A. Ayashi no Ceres/.hack//SIGN
B. Spirited Away/WISH
C. Fushigi Yuugi/Basara
D. Full Metal Alchemist/Rurouni Kenshin
E. Shaman King/King of bandits Jing
F. Naruto/BLEACH
Your favorite flower?
A. Lily
B. Cherry blossoms
C. Plum blossoms
D. Bellflower
E. Sunflower
F. Rose
Your favorite fantasy creature?
A. Unicorns
B. Dryads
C. Elves
D. Ghosts
E. Talking animals
F. Dragons
You're dying!
A. I can inform you that I am perfectly fine
B. No way! I still have so many things I want to do!
C. I can't die yet! I'm too young!
D. That must be my fate and it's nothing I can do about it. But it still makes me sad.
E. Waaaah! I don't wanna die!
F. Tell -insert name here- that I love them! I can't die without having them know.
If you could have magical powers, what would you choose?
A. Mind reading
B. Control of an element
C. Teleportation
D. To be able to become invisible
E. Transformation
F. Super strength/speed